Lo sé, el título puede parecer exagerado. Posiblemente muchos de ustedes conozcan playas que puedan competir en belleza con esta. Seguro que las hay pero, todavía hoy, después de varios meses de haber estado allí, mientras escribo esta entrada, recuerdo con emoción el impacto que me produjo encontrar aquel paraíso ante mis ojos.
I know, the tittle can seem exagerated. Posibly most of you know other beaches that can compete in beauty with this. I am sure that they exist but, still today, some months after to have been there, while I write this entry, I remember with a strong emotion the impact that caused to myself find that paradise in front of my eyes.
El día anterior había recorrido 850 kilómetros desde Perth hasta Esperance, en el suroeste australiano, con la intención de llegar a Cape Le Grand National Park. Bajo un sol infernal, atravesé conduciendo el Wheat Belt, interminable cinturón de plantaciones de cereal que cruza de norte a sur la mitad inferior de Western Australia. Entre mis objetivos estaba encontrar al Rock Parrot (Neophema petrophila) un tipo de loro que vive en el suelo, cerca de la costa.
The day before I had driven 850 kilometers from Perth to Esperance, at australian southwest, with the intention to reach Cape Le Grand National Park. Under a sun of hell, I passed through the Wheat Belt, an endless belt of cereal plantations that cross from north to south the southern half of Western Australia. In my objectives it was to find a Rock Parrot, a kind of parrot that lives in the floor, close to the coast.
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Entre llanuras de cereales y resecos lagos salados, el sol implacable / Between cereal plains and dry salt lakes, the relentless sun. |
No las llevaba todas conmigo ya que es un bicho bastante esquivo y se esconde entre los matorrales bajos en cuanto el sol se levanta un poco. Pero este loro era solamente una excusa para conocer uno de los lugares emblemáticos de Western Australia.
It was not going to be easy because it is a really elusive bird and it hydes itself quickly since the sun rises a bit. But this parrot just was an excuse to know one of the most emblematic places of Western Australia.
Durante el trayecto, una encuentro curioso me hizo frenar en seco. El sol intenso descargaba toda su radiación sobre uno de tantos lagos secos que cruzas cuando conduces en Australia. Pero lo que me hizo parar no fue el lago sino los Emus que, como excursionistas sobre la nieve, paseaban tranquilos, con sus largas patas horadando la capa blanquecina. Así, visto de repente, parecían patinadores divirtiéndose sobre una capa de hielo que, surrealista, se conservase petrificada bajo el sol.
During the way, suddenly, one encounter made me stop. The intense sun slopped down all its radiation over one of the many dry lakes that you cross when drive in Australia. But, what made me stop was not the lake but the Emus that, as hikers in the snow, they walked relaxing with their long legs stepping on the whitish coat. So, seeing suddenly, they seemed skaters having fun over an ice coat that, surrealist, it did not melt under the sun.
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Emus "patinadores" / Skater Emus (Dromaius novaeholandiae) |
Después de tan tremenda paliza de kilómetros, en un paisaje monótono, con larguísimas rectas y la única diversión de otear la distancia en busca de nuevas especies, encontrarte frente a aquella playa fue como descubrir un barco en el horizonte desde una isla desierta. Apenas a unos 3 kilómetros, un camping repleto de caravanas, las barbacoas humeando y... la playa para mí solo. Era enorme la cantidad de tonos de color que bailaban en el vaivén de la marea, el contraste del azul con la arena blanca, la vegetación rala próxima a la arena, las piedras rojizas... simplemente hermoso.
After so long way driving, in a monotonous landscape, with very long straights and the only one fun or try to find birds in the distance, meet yourself in front of that beach was as discover a ship at the horizon from an isolated island. Just 3 kilometers from there, a camping full of caravans with the BBQs smoking and... the beach just for my own. It was huge the number of color tones dancing in the swing of the tyde, the contrast of blue with the white sand, the low vegetation close to the sand and the reddish rocks... just beautiful.
Lo malo fue que no apareció el loro y a medida que el sol ascendía las aves desaparecían poniéndose a cubierto. Quien sí apareció fue un pequeño reptil llamado Ornate Dragon (XXXX). Curioso se escondía entre las grietas de las rocas para aparecer enseguida a escudriñar al extraño visitante.
The bad thing was that the parrot did not appear and as the sun was rising the birds were going to hyde. Who appeared was a little reptile called Ornate Dragon (XX). Curious, it hid among the crevices of the rocks to appear soon to inquire into the weird visitant.
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Ornate Dragon (Ctenophorus ornatus) |
Después de pasar la noche en la furgoneta, en una pista cercana al Parque Nacional, era hora de buscar un buen desayuno.
After to spend the night into the van, in an unpaved road near of the National Park, it was time to look for a good breakfast.
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Amanecer en las carreteras del sur / Sunrise at south roads. |
On the way to Esperance, a little park took my attention and delayed the breakfast a bit more. That was good, there I found a great surprise. The Chestnut Teal was there with all its best. This encounter was the first happiness of the day. I was watch this species in Perth but till now never with full breeding plumage and there was it, relaxing and confident.
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Chesnut Teal (Anas castanea) |
But he best was yet to come. After touring some lakes in the area, a bit disappointed because a little breeze was creating a wave that take the birds away from the bank the shorebirds appear. Tens of Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis), mixed with some Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) y Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus), but the most spectacular of them was Hooded Plover (Thinornis rubricollis) with breeding plumage, with the intense red of bill, ring-eye and legs and the dark mask that characterizes. I just could do a bit with my little Canon G12, but I will go back before to leave Australia to make better photos. Whit this, at least there is the remaining test to have watched this amazing bird.
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Hooded Plover (Thinornis rubricollis) |
A la vuelta descubrí un par de sitios que me sorprendieron totalmente, pero eso queda para otra entrada. Nos queda pendiente encontrar a Rock Parrot.
When I came back to Perth, I found a couple of places that completely surprise myself, but that is for the next time. It leaves pendent to find the Rock Parrot.
Hasta la próxima.
Till the next.