Mientras escribo, una tremenda tormenta me devuelve de golpe al invierno que creí haber dejado atrás. Pero a pesar de sus últimas rabietas, los vaivenes de temperatura y algunos chubascos repentinos, la suerte está echada y la primavera ha llegado para quedarse. El panorama está revolucionado, los pájaros visten renovados plumajes, los cortejos se suceden y el bullicio de los loros al atardecer recuperó su máxima intensidad. En ríos y lagos, bruscos forcejeos descubren el vibrante frenesí de los patos copulando. En el nido que ha construido durante las últimas semanas, el Aguila Pescadora observa mientras incuba desde su privilegiada atalaya.
While I am writing, a strong rainstorm bring me back to the winter that I already thought have left back. But, despite its past tantrums, the last temperature swings and some sudden little showers, winter is over and spring is here to stay. The scenario is revolutionized, birds wear new plumages, their courtships occur everywhere and the parrot´s bustle have recovered its highest intensity. In rivers and lakes, sudden struggles show the vibrant frenzy of ducks copulating. In the nest that it has been building during the last weeks, Osprey looks while broods from its privileged watchtower.
While I am writing, a strong rainstorm bring me back to the winter that I already thought have left back. But, despite its past tantrums, the last temperature swings and some sudden little showers, winter is over and spring is here to stay. The scenario is revolutionized, birds wear new plumages, their courtships occur everywhere and the parrot´s bustle have recovered its highest intensity. In rivers and lakes, sudden struggles show the vibrant frenzy of ducks copulating. In the nest that it has been building during the last weeks, Osprey looks while broods from its privileged watchtower.
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Aguila pescadora oriental / Eastern osprey (Pandion cristatus) |
En el suelo, los jóvenes bobtails se calientan al sol y los madrugadores pollitos de los Tarros australianos (Australian Shelduck) como pequeñas bolitas de algodón, corretean en la orilla. La mirada de sus padres sigue las evoluciones de las gaviotas, que esperan cualquier despiste suyo para tomar un bocado fácil, pero el macho levanta el vuelo en cuanto alguna se acerca demasiado, sin dejar demasiado espacio para escaramuzas.
On the ground, the young bobtails heat their bodies under the sun and the riser chicken of the Australian Shelduck as little woolen balls, scamper on the shore. The look of their parents follows the seagull movements, that are waiting for any dismissal of them to take an easy snack, but the male takes flight when anyone is getting to close and does not leave space to skirmishes.
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Tarro australiano hembra con pollos Australian Shelduck female with chicken (Tadorna tadornoides) |
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Tarro australiano hembra Australian Shelduck female (Tadorna tadornoides) |
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Joven Bobtail/Young Bobtail (Tiliqua rugosa) |
Pero la mayor sorpresa del momento se llama Black-Fronted Dotterel. Este colorido chorlitejo apareció confiado en la orilla del río, alimentándose entre las algas que la marea empuja hacia la orilla. Es la segunda vez que lo veo, pero la primera en que puedo observarlo a una distancia desde donde disfrutar del encendido rojo de su pico y el resto de detalles de su curioso plumaje. Pronto estarán aquí los primeros viajeros del norte que, cambiando de hemisferio, se afanan en la interminable búsqueda de la estación perfecta.
But by the moment, the biggest surprise is called Black-Fronted Dotterel. This colorful Plover appeared confident on the river bank, feeding itself between the algae pushed out the water by the tide. It is the second time that I observe it, but the first one that I can watch it in a distance since I can enjoy the bright red of its beak and the rest of details of its curious plumage. Soon, the first travelers from the north will be here, changing of hemisphere in their endless search of the perfect season.
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Black-Fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) |
Lo compartiré con ustedes cuando llegue el momento.
I will share it with you when the time comes.